It’s twelve degrees outside, but it feels like you are walking through the Sahara every morning. Your eyes feel dry and crusty. You can feel the sand in you throat and your skin is cracking between your fingers. What’s the deal?

If you’re one of the many Americans who heat their homes with forced-air distribution systems, hot air is blowing in your bedroom every day. This increases the air’s water vapor capacity without adding water. It’s no surprise that people wake up thirsty from colder temperatures.

Does that mean you need to make a decision about whether you want to heat your home overnight or just shiver in bed? It’s not true. A humidifier is all you need.

Humidifiers can use various techniques to add moisture to the air. They can help reduce dryness in the morning, as well as alleviate symptoms such as snoring, coughing, sinus headaches, bloody noses, and snoring. Humidifiers have so many benefits that I had to ask my doctor about it when I complained of a cold and lingering winter symptoms. I am.

There are many options for humidifiers. But before you make a purchase, here are some important facts:

  • Different humidifiers work differently.Evaporative humidifiers draw air in to moisten it. Cool mist and warm-mist humidifiers blow mist into the air. Ultrasonic humidifiers produce moisture by vibrating. You can also install humidifiers in your furnace’s ductwork.
  • There is no one humidifier that works better empirically.There are many things that are more important than others. While mist and evaporative humidifiers can be more affordable, they are also more susceptible to bacteria and need to be cleaned regularly. Although ultrasonic humidifiers are quiet and do not require a filter they can leave behind chalky dust.
  • Follow these instructions for cleaning and operation.Make sure you change your humidifier’s filter regularly if it has one. Even the germ-free models require cleaning. I recommend spending a little more to get a humidifier with non-electrical parts that can be put in the dishwasher.

(I have done both of these things, and I don’t feel ashamed about either.

It doesn’t feel good to wake up feeling dry and it wont be good for your health. Keep hydrated by using lots of lotions and lip balms, as well as a humidifier. You won’t get any benefit from nighttime desert treks.