Sleep Remedies – Tart Cherry Juice To Get A Good Night's Sleep?

Sleep Remedies Tart Cherry Juice

Today, I’ll be looking at tart cherry juice as a possible sleep aid that many believe is just as effective or even better than taking sleeping pills.

Do you want to know if a glass of tart cherries juice before bed could help end your sleepless nights? Continue reading to learn more!

Notice: While the content of Sleepopolis may be informative, it should not be considered medical advice. It should not replace professional medical advice. You should consult your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect you might have a sleep disorder or other medical condition.


Experts suggest that two 227gm. Drinking two glasses of tart cherry juice per day can help you regulate your sleep and improve your quality of life. How, you might ask? Natural melatonin is the sleep hormone that tart cherries have an abundance of.


Tart cherry juice has tons of nutritional benefits, including melatonin. A single cup of tart cherry juice contains plenty of potassium, iron and antioxidants. These elements have been proven to increase metabolism, reduce inflammation, ease arthritis pain, and boost your immunity. These benefits can only be found in tart or sour cherries juice, and not in any other cocktail cherry beverages.

Research has focused on the effects of tart cherry juices on sleep. In a 2010 study, participants reported significant improvement in their sleep due to regular intake of the juice. Louisiana State University scientists found that two glasses of tart cherries juice per day was enough to help combat insomnia in a 2014 study.


Cherry juice is certainly delicious but I didn’t feel any effects on my sleep. It didn’t do anything. It didn’t even cause any drowsiness. This remedy was only tested for one week. I’m not sure if it will work for me over time, but I think this is a bit of an utter failure.

My expert opinion would rate this trick at 2 out 5 Zzzs. It is a delicious beverage with no side effects.

That’s all for this sleep remedy. Thank you so much for watching and subscribe if you enjoy what you see.