Cry It Out Baby Sleep Training – Ultimate Guide

There are many options available when it comes to sleeping training your baby. Each baby is different, and every parent is unique. It’s important to choose a method that works for both of you. The Cry It Out baby sleep training method has become a very popular one. We will explore the history and drawbacks of this method as well as tips on how to make it more effective.

Please note that the articles on the Sleepopolis blog serve informational purposes only. Before you start any new sleep hygiene or training methods for your child, please consult your healthcare professional.

History Of The Cry It Out Method

The Cry It Out method was first developed in Dr. Emmett Holt’s 1895 book The Care and Feeding of Children. In his 1985 book Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems, Dr. Richard Ferber popularized the Cry It Out method. Ferberization is a term that has come to be used for the method today.

The Cry It Out Method Is Effective

Cry It Out is often misunderstood as if it means that you leave your baby in their crib until they fall asleep. The Cry It Out method suggests that the baby cry for a short time before you intervene to comfort or provide attention. Cry It Out is based on the idea that crying is an essential part of sleep training and that it is not possible to prevent a baby from crying.

Benefits of the Cry It Out Method

This method teaches your baby to fall asleep independently, and it does not require cuddling, rocking, or the comforting presence from a parent.A baby who is used to being helped to fall asleep will likely need the same attention to get up again. According to this theory, a baby’s cry is not an indication that something is wrong but a signal to their parent to get help again. This is because the natural sleep cycle can cause a few wakings throughout the night, and the baby may cry quite often.

Some parents find cry it out difficult or even traumatizing. However, this theory suggests that the discomfort is temporary and will eventually pay off.It is important to note that this method of sleep training may not suit every baby or their parents.

Steps To Crying It Out

Cry it out works best with a baby who is at least four to six months of age. Ferber does not specify the age they should be ready. If the process is too difficult for your child, you might want to delay it until they are more emotionally stable.

These are the steps for the cry it out technique.

  • Step 1 Place the baby in their bed or crib while they are awake, but still seem to be asleep.
  • Step 2 Goodnight, and then leave the room.
  • Step 3 If your baby starts to cry, you can wait until the baby stops crying and then return to the room. Don’t pick up the baby, just make comforting sounds and pats. Even if the baby is still crying, you should leave again.
  • Step 4 If your baby is still crying, you can leave the room for a while before entering the room again. You can repeat the process, but leave a longer time between each entry and interaction with your baby.

Ferber says that it shouldn’t take more than three to seven nights for your baby to fall asleep on their own. If your baby is still having trouble falling asleep after a week, it’s a good idea to wait a few weeks before trying again.

Steps for the Cry It Out Method

How Long Do You Leave Your Baby

Consistency is the key to the success and utility of cry it out. It is crucial to know how long you should wait before checking on your baby. It is recommended to wait for three minutes, then wait five, then wait ten seconds. Start with five, then ten, and then twelve on the second night. As the night goes on, increase the length of your initial interval and then extend it.These intervals and the Cry It Out method are guidelines.. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider immediately if you have any concerns or questions about baby sleep training.

It is important to pick times that you feel comfortable with and to keep them going over time.

The Cry It Out Method

  • Baby Stress could be reduced. Recent research has shown that babies who are trained in cry it out have lower levels of cortisol, a stress-linked hormone.
  • Babies fall asleep faster.Babies will fall asleep in less than fifteen minutes after a week of using the cry it out method.
  • It’s Great for ParentsParents who use the method are less anxious, stressed and sleep deprived because they know exactly when it is time to check on their baby.
  • There is no evidence of negative social and emotional effects. Despite what some might think, there is no evidence that crying it out trained babies are any different from other babies in terms of social skills and emotional state. However, this research isn’t conclusive.

Drawbacks Of The Cry It Out Method

  • Problems in parent-child relationships. Some believe that the relationship between a child and their parent is most important in the first two years of their lives. It is possible to argue that crying can be an admission of emotional vulnerability. This can lead to problems if it is not met with affection or comfort.
  • Problems for the ParentSome parents may feel that they are overriding instincts and ignoring their baby’s cries by using the cry it out method. This can make it very difficult for parents and cause them to lose faith in their ability to care for their baby.

Cry it Out Method Tips and Application

The Cry It Out Method Controversy

Some claim that allowing a child cry in their need can lead to damage to both the child and the parent-child relationship. This early memory can make a baby feel less secure and more traumatized. It is also possible that allowing a baby cry at its most vulnerable time can lead to problems between parent and child. This could make their relationship less healthy and more distant.

Advocates of the cry it out method claim that the method should not be used in a supportive, close relationship.

If you are unsure or have concerns about the best sleep habits for your child, it is best to speak to your child’s healthcare provider.

Try It Out Method Alternatives

There are two major alternatives to cry it out: the no tears method or the fading method. The no tears method is directly opposed to cry it out. While the fading method is a mixture of both.

No tears was created in response to the cry-it-out method. It was not successful for families. It requires parents to respond quickly to baby’s crying.

The fading method is a bridge between two methods. Parents gradually decrease or fade their roles in helping their baby sleep. It promotes independence in the baby and fosters trust between parents and children.

Cry It Out Method Research

The University of Adelaide found that crying it out and the fading method both had positive effects on children’s ability to fall asleep. This same study found that sleep-trained babies had lower levels cortisol, a stress hormone. A previous study by the university showed that there isn’t much difference in sleep-trained and non-sleep-trained children after six years.The hypothesis that the best method to train your sleep is the one that works for you supports the idea.

Tips For Implementing The Cry It Out Method

  • You need to get into a routine. A good routine is the best way to make your baby feel at ease with any sleep training method. You can signal your baby that it is almost bedtime by giving them a bath, a bedtime story, and a lullaby. This will mentally prepare your baby to sleep at night.
  • Plan and prepare.The first few nights of the cry-it-out method will be difficult. It is possible to lose some sleep so it is a good idea for people who work long hours to start the program on Friday. You should emotionally prepare for the first night of difficult nights.
  • Keep it up.Parents giving up too soon is the main reason cry it out fails.

Although it can be annoying and even traumatizing for your baby to cry, you will not lose all the hard work that you have put into your baby’s life.

  • Accept some early difficulty.The cry it out method can be very difficult and sometimes even impossible. You can forgive yourself for any early relapses. Try to get back on track as soon as possible.
  • Use the Method That Fits You. If three minutes of crying seems impossible, wait a few minutes longer before you check in. You can also extend the training time by opting to train for two weeks rather than one.You should make the method work for your benefit, not the other way around.