Are you tired of buying pet beds that don’t last? You have a better choice.Say hello to the Nest Bedding SpotBeds pet mattress. The pet bed has changed the game. Owners can feel more secure knowing that their pet won’t need a new one every few months.

Nest Beddings SpotBed pet beds

Construction & Materials

TheSpotBeds pet bedIt is impressive. Our pets don’t always have the best of health. Our pets can get messy from rolling in mud to shedding their hair every day, so a bed that is able to handle all of this needs to be a good choice. TheSpotBeds pet beds are designed with a durable, washable canvas cover. This means that our pets don’t stand a chance of ruining the bed.

SpotBed zip-up cover is easy to remove for washing

The bed’s inner layer is filled with a comfortable and breathable fill. The bed responds almost instantly. It is quite useful, even though it sounds absurd. Pet beds that don’t respond to the normal shape of your pet after he or she hops off are not worth it. They will eventually flatten after a few months and your pet may be sleeping on a bed without support.

The Nest Bedding SpotBeds pet beds have a number of major advantages.. CertiPur US certified fill is used in the mattress. CertiPur-US certified silicone foam and silicone fibers will ensure your pet’s comfort and coolness while you can relax and worry about any toxic emissions.

Stella in her first modeling job on SpotBed


The durability of the material was tested.SpotBedsBefore allowing my cousin’s dog to use the bed, I checked a few things. First, I checked for loose threads at the seams.In terms of stitching, the bed was almost flawless. Although I did find one small thread that was loose, it does not affect the quality of the pet bed over time. The zipper was next. Was it easy to unzip and zip up again? It did.

The cover was replaced without any problems.

Stella, my cousin’s Black Lab, was now ready to lie down on the bed. Stella, a dog who sheds quite a bit every day, was an ideal candidate to examine the SpotBeds performance. After she had gotten comfortable for 30 minutes, we took her out of the bed and examined the shape and hair retention. TheThe shape of the bed was the same as before. We were able to easily remove the hair, despite some hair retention.

Side view of SpotBed